Tuesday, 29 November 2011


After finishing my research into both Gothic and Transport I have made the following predictions about the next 5 years.

Ecoboost Engine Logo.
(Ford Motor Company. 2011).
I believe that as non renewable resources continue to decline and become more expensive cars will become more ecologically friendly. A good example I found of this was in my Transport Horizon, where I found the  Ford EcoBoost Engine (Ford Motor Company. 2008. Ecoboost Engine Technology.) I believe that these will start to become incorporated into all of Ford's new cars, and by 2016 every new car produced will have some form of 'eco technology' inside it. What will make this especially prevalent is the eco technology may actually become cheaper to incorporate as it offsets the amount of money spent on fuel.

Hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius will also be much more mainstream, although I believe that cheaper cars will also have hybrid technology inside them - but this may be cheaper and less economical technology than the more expensive hybrid cars.

(Tata Motors. 2008)

I also predict that within 5 years time a major car company will announce they are making a 'super economical' car. This will be a very small car primarily aimed for people in the city, like the SMART cars, however it will contain a lot of economical technology. It will be a hybrid car, mostly relying on electric to run - with the petrol for longer journeys. I believe however in a surprising move this car will be very cheap, and affordable for most people - like India's Tata Nano (BBC News. 2008. World's Cheapest Car Goes on Show.), in an attempt to get people to move onto the saving technology.
(Guiney, P. 2009).

Despite these moves to be more economical in the consumer market I believe that Formula 1 racing will still be around and unaffected by it. As trends over the previous years show I also believe that the Formula 1 cars will advance quite a bit by the next 5 years, becoming even faster yet still remaining safe. In 1956 the fastest speed the cars could go was 150mph (SoftNews NET. 2008) whereas today they can go up to 220mph (Ref. (Collantie, K. 2011). I predict that Formula 1 cars will in fact become so fast that new tracks will have to be built or existing ones modified to accommodate the new top speeds.This has already happened in the past with some tracks being dropped previously, and street circuits such as Monaco being called unsafe at the speeds cars race at today (Collantie, K. 2011. If DRS is Unsafe For Monaco.)

I also believe that the popularity of the DRS system in 2011, and added tactics it has brought to the races, will spur more tactical additions to the races. I believe that as more technology gets added to the cars, teams will actually be able to change certain variables whilst the car is racing. They may be able to change the softness of suspension or limit the engine speed of the driver remotely. At the end of 5 years time I believe that the helmets drivers use will also be updated to have augmented reality, allowing many vital statistics such as engine/tire temperature, fuel and potential problems to appear layered over their vision - like the Helmet Mounted Symbology System by BAE Systems (BAE Systems. 2011. New Typhoon Helmet.) Although this will come into place I can also foresee it being removed soon after it is implemented as it could cause a distraction and some crashes to occur.

(Pettinger, T. 2011).

I believe that trains will become more popular, although ticket prices still be expensive (Pettinger, T. 2011). The trains in London however could become improved as an effect from hosting the Olympics in 2012 with the network improvement underway (Net Resources International. 2011) Trains in London may become more reliable, with more frequent trains and an overall better service like the Paris Metro currently has. However I believe this effect would be short lived, and an increase in cost to the system would lead to the government cutting budgets and the service ultimately returning to current standards.

Travel by airplane my become more expensive - however as it will probably rise not too much higher than inflation the impact of the higher ticket prices should not be felt too much. I believe though that within the next 5 years a project to 'resurrect' Concorde may be made. Taking the concept of Concorde I believe a company will try to create an economic plane that will travel very fast in the upper atmosphere. This plane may even come in two parts and in essence be a glider - using some kind of 'boosting' plane working on conventional fuel to get it high in the atmosphere which then the 'Concorde Glider' could sail quickly for long distances on hardly any fuel. If this plane is successful then I believe that travel to America and other far reach parts of the globe would become significantly cheaper.

By 2025 the UK should have at least 8 new nuclear reactors if current plans go as they should (Pfeifer, S. 2011). I believe that the change to use more renewable energies however will be a slow one, and that within the next 5 years hardly any change will have happened. Plans for more wind farms and solar panels will be discussed, but the high cost versus the low return will lead to abandoning the plans for more 'cheap' non-renewable's.

I believe that in the next 5 years the popularity of Gothic architecture will stay the same. I doubt that any new buildings will be built in the style, but I do believe that repairs will continue on existing buildings. The buildings should still be of interest to people though, and should retain their popularity for interesting design.

(Twisted Pictures. 2005).

I also predict that the link between the Gothic style and horror will grow, and by 2016 there will be more films containing it's influence in settings. Recent films and games I have found from my research such as Underworld (2004), Condemned 2 (2008) and Darksiders (2010) would suggest that the gritty settings and interesting shapes Gothic has to offer will continue to grow in popularity especially in the horror genre.

I believe that horror in itself will become more popular than it currently is, with many horror films, games and books being released in the next year as shown in my research. I believe that the days of 'gorefest' horror such as Saw 2 (2005) are over, and people are more interested in paranormal or psychological horror. If this trend continues I believe that within 5 years The X Files, or a tv show very similar, could be remade on television to cater for this increased popularity.

(InSOLense. 2009).

After 2012 I predict that there will be a lot of media attention on the lack of the Apocalypse. There will probably be a lot of media on it in the recent years afterwards, but it will die down very quickly in newspapers and magazines. The Apocalypse and judgement day however have always been popular in films and games - such as Fallout 3 (2008), and I believe this trend will continue. I believe that Fallout 4 will come out in the next 5 years, but also many other games and films will have the setting of a post apocalyptic world. I believe that a few of them will take the opportunity to pose an alternate history timeline where the Apocalypse - or some catastrophic event - happened in 2012.

(Doumax, D. 2005)

I believe that along with this there will be more media attention on cults for a short amount of time. I predict that there will be news reports of cults committing weird acts and mass suicides for a few years after 2012, mistaking it for some kind of 'sign' or wanting to achieve a 'higher presence'. This could spark people's worries and in 5 years time I predict that there may be a few more 'protect yourself from cults' books and websites available to the public. However despite this increased cult activity I believe that Scientology will begin to unravel in the next 5 years as people become more aware and scared of cults. I believe that governments will also become more aware and doubtful over Scientology and its effects, and will try to make it harder for the organization to operate.


Bev Bush said...

These are interesting forecasts but I feel that you need to refer to certain elements of your research from your previous sections to back your statements up.
'I believe that the trains will not change much....as supported by my research into this where I found...'
This should give more weight to your statements.

Carleen Houbart said...

David Howell - Leaving Reality Behind (Gothic and Transport)

You need to run Spell Checker and grammar checker to identify the obvious mistakes, but please make sure you read through your blog posts and any comments to address any other issues and presentation problems.

You must reference images and your sources of information within your pages using (author, date), with your complete reference in your bibliography page.
Your bibliography also needs to be in alphabetical order by surname.
Please also remember that Wikipedia is NOT considered an academic resource - please use the original source of information which is usually given on the wiki page.

You must also reference the sources of your information. For example:
" Ever since the end of the Gothic Revival period (~1930 - 1960) the use of Gothic to make new buildings has declined."
Without the reference it is just supposition/opinion and not considered viable research.
You need to read through all of your research and where possible verify your statements and facts with sources - you do not need to copy any text from these sources unless it helps your arguments, just add the reference to support your statements. (I suggest you colour code all your references so they stand out. (It is also worth if you have time, making those references link to the place where the information is found.))

Please DO NOT provide us with web links to find your research – referencing allows us to check the authenticity of your examples, but we will not and should not have to follow links – You need to provide the research examples and not links to it. ......I know you have not done this to date.

Make sure you discuss the relevance of your examples in showing the popularity of your topic.

Make sure your examples are relevant in each section – your research for present is the last 2-5 years at most, but without your references it is difficult for us to verify this.

(E.g. Underworld is 2003 so is probably stretching this unless you can explain its relevance to today - maybe use the newer films as examples)

Be careful that your research does not get bogged down with too much irrelevant information - you are trying to prove or disprove a popularity for your topic - we do not need to know the back story to each example (unless relevant to your arguments) or have the full quotes from articles (just a small relevant snapshot). We do not however want a list of examples either.

Where possible, please make sure that all your images link to the place where they were found.

You need to make sure your blog is formatted and presented well - The green text (your comments) is a bit hard on the eyes - try a different shade maybe?
Make sure quotes are in italics to make them identifiable from the rest of your blog and again reference correctly.

Ideally at the end of each post draw some conclusions about what you have found: Does the diversity of research material show popularity for your topic, in not only name, but in the various definitions you have looked at? What other conclusions can you draw from your research? Lead us into your next section- E.g. from present into your past topic.

Your research: Some good examples with a diverse selection of media - Check the points above and get your referencing right!

Forecast: There are some interesting forecasts, but as Bev has already commented, you need to back it up with your research to give it some legitimacy and weight.

You still need to complete Bibliography and reference correctly, your IP opportunity statement and IP Justification. It is imperative that you get these points finished before making any other alterations to your existing research.

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